1978 Dodge Omni Hatchback

1978 Dodge Omni Hatchback

This gem was my 8th vehicle. I got it from Tammy’s sister for $200 for a daily driver but it was way more than that, I called it my ¼ ton thrasher used to haul all my truck & jeep parts in, it had a sweet hatch back. I remember hauling a small block 350 and a 205 t-case in the back. One day when I took off at the light it would just spin the front tires. When we took it to lunch, we would look for people on the sidewalk, get close & pull the e-brake. It made an awful noise like you were going to crash. People would dive off the sidewalk shitting their pants thinking they were going to get ran over lol! It had these heavy-duty shock absorber bumpers on it, made it great for playing bumper cars with Randy at stop lights. People would freak out when I pulled the e-brake and skid into him, then just drive off. We had so much fun with it and his Honda Accord. One day I ran it out of oil & it locked up, but dad showed me how to fix it. I pulled the plugs, poured oil in the cylinders & broke it loose, then put straight slick 50 in it with new plugs. It was like brand new, just had to add slick 50 every now and then. I sold it to a co-worker for $800.00, he drove it until it blew the head gasket & gave it back to me. I pulled the aluminum head off, welded the cracks with a spool gun then filed it flat with a big flat bastard. She was like new again, he shit his pants when I drove it to work the next week & eventually bought it back from me. Best cheap set of wheels I ever owned. Thanks April!
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